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Masking requirements increase at Stevenson till further notice

Posted October 23, 2024


Stevenson Memorial Hospital (SMH) is increasing masking requirements as the number of COVID-19 cases and other respiratory illnesses are rising in the community and region.


The following protocols are required for visitors:

• Staff, patients, visitors and volunteers are required to wear hospital-provided medical masks while in a patient room and in all clinical areas.

• Eating and/or drinking is not permitted by visitors in a patient room.

• Visitors must wash their hands or sanitize before entering and after leaving a patient’s room.


Masks are not required in common areas such as hallways and stairwells. 


The hospital asks that anyone with symptoms of respiratory illness or are a high-risk contact of someone with a confirmed case not to enter the hospital to visit a patient.


“SMH is a mask-friendly, inclusive environment that keeps the safety of all individuals at the hospital a top priority,” said Susan Woollard, Interim VP Clinical Services and CNE, SMH. “This is an important step to keep our vulnerable patients safe, as well as our staff, while reducing transmission within our facility during this viral season.”

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