Age for self-referral for publicly funded mammograms drops to 40
Posted October 8, 2024
Starting today, women over the age of 40 can self-refer for publicly funded mammograms through the Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP).
By lowering the age of self-referral from 50 to 40, more women can now self-refer for mammograms through any OBSP site or by calling 1-800-668-9304 without needing a referral from a primary care provider.
The province has invested nearly $20 million to increase the ability of participating OBSP partners to connect more women to screening by adding more site hours, appointment spots and training additional staff.
This important update is a major step forward in our commitment to women’s health and proactive cancer detection," said Dr. Supriya Kulkarni, President, Canadian Society of Breast Imaging, Breast Division Lead, Department of Medical Imaging, University of Toronto. "By allowing women to begin screening earlier, we enhance the potential for early diagnosis and treatment, ultimately improving outcomes for many. We encourage all women aged 40 and above to take advantage of this new guideline and discuss screening options with their healthcare providers. Early detection can save lives."