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Town to takeover portions of Cty Rd 1, 10 in Beeton, Tottenham 

Posted January 13, 2025​

New Tecumseth local road network is set to expand in Beeton and Tottenham to provide greater municipal control in future growth areas.


The Town and Simcoe County have agreed to transfer 1,500 metres of Cty Rd 1 from the South Simcoe Railway tracks to the CP Railway crossing. Additionally, 650 metres of Cty Rd 10 from the existing south limit of Tottenham (1/2 Lot line of Concession 3, Lot 5&6), to the 3rd Line.

The transfers took effect on Jan. 1, 2025, but the County will continue to maintain those sections until June 1, 2027 to allow for a transition period.

The portion in Beeton is to support Flato Development's Beeton Meadows requirement to urbanize County Road 1 from SSR railway to the western limit of the Beeton Meadows Phase 2 development. The transfer will allow the Town's Engineering Design Criteria and Standards to be utilized and implemented to construct the future infrastructure. It will also allow the municipality the flexibility to implement speed limit control measures to achieve traffic calming measures, and provide unrestricted and easy access to the Tottenham Transmission Watermain, from future maintenance and connection perspective.​​


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